
I am fortunate enough to have the best job in the world, that of a professional wildlife and nature photographer.  Based in the small market-town of Newport in beautiful county of Shropshire my work is regularly published in an array of books and journals such as BBC Wildlife, Birds and The Countryman, and I have contracts with the RSPB’s Image Library and FLPA for my stock image sales.

I also run the leading wildlife photography holiday and workshop business called Natures Images with fellow professional Danny Green, a programme that gives me the opportunity to share my passion and hopefully knowledge for this fantastic photographic genre in a responsible and enthsiastic manner.

I have had a number of books published in the last few years.

Wild Shropshire was collaborative project with Shropshire Wildlife Trust in celebration of their 50th Anniversary in 2012, and it was both a privelige and a pleasure to work with them in it’s production. Although virtually sold out now it is still possible to find a few copies in local bookshops or contact me. 

Staying with the local theme I was keen to build on revealing much of the wildlife that could be found in my home county by presenting it’s landscapes from a different perspective – the air.  The result is A Most Rare Vision: Shropshire From The Air, published in September 2014 and full details of which can be found here.

The Secret Lives of Puffins was a collaborative project with writer Dominic Couzens- a friend since school days when we lerned our birdwatching skills together and who has become a highly successful nature journalist and author. Photographed over many summers and at many colonies across northern Europe it was a labour of love with one of my favourite species.  For the Sunday Times to list it in their top 5 Nature Books was of 2013 was a real privelige too – full details of this book can be found here.

Photographing Birds – Art and Techniques looks to not only share a wide selection of my images but provide some advice and ideas for aspiring bird photographers.  I have tried to provide a blend of technical, creative and practical insights alongside some pointers on how to develop the equally essential mindset and outlook required to achieve more consistent and improved images in this fascinating arena: full details of this book can be found here including an e-edition!

This blog is simply a platform which in tandem with my main website keeps both my thoughts, experiences and images fresh and up to date. It by no means covers the full extent of what I do or can offer in image terms but hopefully gives a decent flavour of what I’m all about and what I’m working on at the moment.

If you’d like to see more of my images or enquire about anything more specific then feel free to get in touch.

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